This document covers our policy regarding the privacy of information we collect about you, whether via our website, our customer service team or otherwise. Please read it carefully to understand how your personal information will be treated.

Withnell Sensors Ltd (WSL) shares your concern about the protection of your personal information and are committed fully to compliance with the requirements The General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR, effective 25th May 2018.

What is covered in the policy:
  • How WSL will use personal information we collect about you;
  • Who WSL will disclose your information to
  • How to keep your personal information up to date and accurate- Changing Personal Information or "Opting Out" of receiving promotional materials
  • Our websites- the use of cookies and links to third Party websites
  • Your Rights

    We review our privacy practices from time to time. We ask that you bookmark and periodically review this page for updates to our Privacy Policy. To contact us about privacy issues relating to the WSL website, to report a violation of our Privacy Policy, or to raise any other privacy issue, please e-mail us at [email protected]

    Personal information

    1. How WSL will use personal information we collect about you

    Personal information is information that identifies a living individual. WSL is committed to processing your personal information only in a fair and lawful manner.

    WSL uses your information to better understand your needs and provide you with better service. Specifically, we may use your personal information as follows:

  • to respond to your specific information request / enquiry when completing an online form.
  • to customise various aspects of our websites to your preferences.
  • to pre-complete forms on our sites and on other WSL sites. For example, if you have provided an address when using one service, the site computers may automatically fill in that information on an order form for another service. Other WSL sites may automatically recognise your registration information. This is simply a convenience - no information is released to anyone unless you authorise its release, such as by clicking a "Submit" button.
  • as may be necessary to support the operation of our websites.
  • to provide agreed goods and services and for invoicing, account maintenance, record keeping, statistical analysis and internal reporting and research purposes.
  • to obtain credit references and for debt collection and fraud prevention purposes.
  • to obtain your feedback and views on our products and services.
  • By mail, email, you can choose to opt out of receiving this information at any time by using tick boxes provided at registration, through any WSL email you receive, via your account or by contacting the WSL Customer Service Centre:
  • by mail - WSL Customer Service, The Old Silk Mill , Bury Lane , Withnell , PR6 8RX
  • by email – [email protected]
  • by telephone – 01254 831375
  • By filling in the enquiry form on our website
  • We will hold your personal information for as long as is necessary in order to provide the relevant Service or as may be reasonable given the circumstances in which the information is provided.

    2. Who Withnell Sensors Ltd disclose your details to

    In connection with the uses described above we may disclose personal information to data processors, agents, and sub-contractors such as third-party advertising vendors like Google, Mailchimp or any other mailshot service. We may also disclose personal information to obtain credit references and for debt collection and fraud prevention purposes. This may involve disclosing personal data to licensed credit reference agencies, debt collection agencies and lawyers. The credit reference agencies will maintain a record of the personal data supplied by us. This may be used by other lenders to make decisions on future applications for credit.

    As a general rule, we will not otherwise disclose any personal information to any third parties, except: to any Government Department, public body or other third party where we believe in good faith that the law requires this; in the interests of public health and safety; or in order to protect the rights, property, or safety of WSL, its employees or members of the public. In addition, we will provide personal data to third parties if authorised by you to do so.

    We will implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss, damage or destruction.

    If it is necessary to transfer personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area, we will take appropriate steps to satisfy ourselves that a level of protection is applied to the personal data that is at least equivalent to the level of protection applied within the European Economic Area in respect of such personal data. By using our services, you agree to any such transfer of your personal data.

    We reserve the right to transfer any such information to a third party in the event that we sell or otherwise transfer substantially all of the business of WSL Limited.

    3. How to keep your personal information up to date and accurate 3.1 Changing personal information

    We recognise that some of the information that we collect from you will change from time to time. You can change information that you have previously provided to us at any time:

  • by mail – WSL Customer Service, The Old Silk Mill, Bury Lane , Withnell , PR6 8RX
  • by email – [email protected]
  • by filling in the enquiry form on our websites.
  • 3.2 "Opting Out" of receiving promotional materials

    Where you have sent us personal contact details, you may choose to "opt out" of receiving promotional materials from us and/or our related companies at any time:

  • by refusing consent at the time of data collection.
  • by using tick boxes provided on our websites and account forms.
  • by clicking the unsubscribe button on any subsequent promotional email you receive from WSL.
  • by filling in the enquiry form on our websites.
  • by mail – WSL Customer Service, The Old Silk Mill , Bury Lane , Withnell , PR6 8RX.
  • by email - [email protected]
  • by telephone – 01254 831375
  • Requests to change personal information and preferences will ordinarily be actioned within 10 business days of receipt by us.

    4. Our Websites

    4.1 Cookies What are cookies?

    Cookies are small computer files, typically containing letters and numbers that are created through web browsers. Cookies are used as a form of digital memory to remember bits of information about a user’s visits to and use of web pages. They are mostly intended to enhance the user’s web experience by recording preferences and settings and to customise content and advertising to users’ tastes.

    Tracking information

    Tracking information is information that is collected about every visitor to our websites and is automatically gathered using "cookies.". Cookies do not include personal information about you, but they are unique to each user so that the site computers can distinguish between users and personalise your experience if you have provided information about yourself. Cookies used by us in connection with our websites are encoded and contain a unique digital signature to prevent tampering. Cookies are only read by the website computer that placed them and cannot execute any code or virus.

    We use tracking information in aggregate form to build higher-quality, more useful services by performing statistical analyses of users' activities, and by measuring demographics and interest regarding specific areas of the WSL websites. We also use the aggregate data to inform our partners as to the number of people who have seen and clicked on links to their websites.

    We also provide statistical information based on the tracking information to our owners, subsidiaries, affiliated companies (collectively, "Affiliates"). None of the statistical information provided to them can be connected to the identities or other personal information of individual users.

    For more information on the use of cookies on our website please go to our Cookies Policy.

    4.2 Links to third party websites

    Our websites contain links to other Internet websites. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites, including such sites' use of any information.

    Keep in mind that, while we encourage all third parties involved to adhere to our policies regarding our users' privacy and to otherwise handle personal information in a responsible manner, we cannot and do not assume any responsibility for any acts or omissions of third parties linked to from our websites, including the manner in which they use personal information you provide to them. Nevertheless, in the event you encounter any third party associated with our site (or who claims association with the WSL websites) who you feel is improperly collecting or using information about you, please contact [email protected]; we will be happy to forward your message to the third party.

    4.3 Security

    We use reasonable security methods to protect the data that resides on our servers. However, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our servers, nor can we guarantee that information that users supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.

    We use Internet standard encryption technology ("SSL" or "Secure Socket Layer" technology) to encode personal data that you send to us through the Enquiry form and other forms used through the Website. SSL works by using a private key to encrypt data that's transferred over the SSL connection. To check that you are in a secure area of the Website before sending personal data to us, please look at the address bar of your website browser and check that it displays an image of a green closed padlock or an unbroken key.

    However, please note that whilst we take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the personal data that you provide to us, no transmission over the Internet can ever be guaranteed secure. Consequently, please note that we cannot guarantee the security of any personal data that you transfer over the Internet to us.

    5. Your rights

    The General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR, gives you the right to access the personal data that The WSL Group holds and processes on you. You are entitled to stop the data processing if it causes unwarranted and substantial damage or distress and to request that inaccurate / incorrect information be rectified.

    For further information regarding these rights or to make a complaint please contact customer service team at [email protected] , if after contacting WSL you are still unhappy you may also complain to the Information Commissioner, all contact details are available on the Information Commissioner's Website:


    If you have any questions or concerns about our use of personal information please contact [email protected]. We reserve the right to modify this policy effective seven (7) days after the posting of the revised policy